Sunday, October 12, 2008

Karen Maj - Catching the express

Karen Maj (pronounced My), was born in Niagara Falls, N.Y. She obtained her MLS and Graduate Certificate in Archives from Wayne State University in Detroit. In 2002, Karen came to Fresno County Library as Librarian and driver for Community Bookmobile. Karen likes to mention the “Library on Wheels” has over forty stops per month for all ages; visiting senior facilities and communities near schools, not only in Fresno, but also in towns in the Valley and montains.

Karen’s work has been published in various poetry journals such as “Erete’s Bloom”, “Kangaroos & Beans”, “Tandava: Haiku & More”. She has read publicly in 4 states and has been published in Buffalo 2 years in a row for “Poetry on the Busses”. The Moment was published in “The Laughing Dog”. Howling was Published in Fresno’s publication “The Seed: Fresno” in 2005. Poet is dedicated to her brotherly friend, poet Will Inman, of Tucson, Arizona.
Click the player below to hear "Catching the Express"

Mary Lee Gowland - Ode to my stapler

Mary Lee Gowland’s first book of poetry Tender Bough was published when she was nineteen. Her third book has a preface by Anais Nin.
Her poems have been published in dozens of literary journals and magazines. In 2006 she published Surprise Yourself! Fun Writing Exercises for Today’s Kids. Her personal essay “State Beach” can be heard on Valley Writers Read archives. She’s been teaching poetry and creative writing to children and adults since 1992 and received the 2008 Arts in Education Award from the Madera County Arts Council for her work on Poetry Out Loud.

Click on the MP3 player below to hear "Ode to My Stapler"

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